Adorno on 'Popular Music' is one result of the Frankfurt school which focused on a system of Marxist ideas and beliefs otherwise known as ideologies. He is essentially intelectually hating on mass produced tinny music referring to it as standardisation, 'the details themselves are standardised no less than the form' (Adorno, 1941 p74). That is to say that no matter what genre the music may be the structure remains consistent and unsophisticated. This allows the listener's expectations and responses to be limited and repetitive, 'Structural standardisation aims and standard reactions' (Adorno, 1941 p78). It is a dictation from the media dork in the superstructure which abolishes interest division and promotes ideals of a free society which only resslts in everybody having the same ideals and conforming to what is given, 'listening to popular music is manipulated not only by its promoters but, as it were, by the inherent nature of this music itself, into a system of response mechanisms wholly antagonistic to the ideal of individuality in a free, liberal society' (Adorno 1941 p78). It's aim is to create an audience that will never change,
It does this by creating such music (most awful, video a) that does not require much effort to listen to, 'the composition hears for the listener' (p77), thereby stopping any true involvement and understanding of the music incase we individualise. By producing something that is easy to digest make it easy to produce, 'popular music is pre-digested' (p77).
To an extent this control is hidden in our culture. If discovered we would challenge and revolt against it to individualise. This is where video (b) comes in. When individualising from conformed taste and standardisation this sense of challenging then becomes a trend in itself, otherwise known as pseudo-individualisation, 'endowing cultural mass production with the halo of free choice' (p79). The video (b) is a great example of this. It is a niche of people amongst many others believing that they have revolted against something and are behaving more autonomously, but in fact are under an illusion of being individual.
I can sadly agree with the depressed attitude of Adorno. There is so much tat out there of things that have been thought out for you. However I do think you shouldn't be afraid to nod along to the things that you don't mind nodding along to, but you can never be individual.
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