The first text is a propaganda poster from the second World War by Abram Games urging people to grow their own food. The text's textual code's involve it being split in two vertically to connote a division in economy and industry as well as worldly affairs. However the ongoing pattern being the signifier denotes this and has signified the fact this is uniting the country not dividing it. The posters language acts as a command rather than a persuasion or informing to signify it's importance of proceeding. It is fairly aggressive and ambitious language to be used considering they are relying on their British audience to act in their favour. "Your own" is excentuated from the rest of the typeface colouring to signify the personal input needed. The social codes suggest self sufficiency and independence to order to achieve the greater good. The colour of the personal slant in the poster signifies that this is not a chore. The happy yellow would suggest no labour or sacrifice but happiness as though it were a pleasant hobby. War is denoted as it signifies by standing alone personally, the country can stand alone internationally. The instructive language shows the importance and seriousness of the task it commands.
The second text is an army 'advertisement' for the British Army. One of the first signifiers to get my attention was the image of a woman on the text. This signifies a role of equal rights and attitude towards the inclusion of women so much so by it being included on a poster. The flying British flag signifies patriotism, an attitude to have if serving. The photos signify the importance of teamwork and give a spontaneous approach to a different kind of job someone could have. It denotes the hard and high chance of risk labour most soldiers endure. The language used especially "Be the Best" implies a confident approach to the Army's reputation. A main cultural code would be the fact that The Army is being 'advertised' in a sense. Pride in what they are conveying themselves to be doing, especially in current situations imply a sense of importance, competitiveness and heavily rewarding. A textual code is the larger than everything else typeface that is used with the word "Army". Its as though they want to viewer to know immediately what they are talking about at a glance. A definite characteristic of an advertisement. It wants the audience's interest and to inspire them by telling them that they are "the best".
There are many syntagmatic relations between the two texts, in particular both are extremely patriotic. They both strive to convey independents and are informing and commanding in a very strong way. Neither want to show any reliance on anything but themselves. This is shown through text the most .i.e. "best" and "your own". They both have assumptions that the audience will agree with them. They both completely rely on the audience at the same time as without them, neither situations could continue. Both have strong senses of determination, pride and independence in the world.
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